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Effective Date: [01/06/2024]

EcoGrill Essentials Refund and Return Policy

Our Commitment: At EcoGrill Essentials, your satisfaction is our priority. We understand that sometimes things don’t work out, so we’ve made our refund and return process as simple and hassle-free as possible.

Free Returns: If you’re looking to return an item, we offer a free return service within 10 days of receiving your product. To initiate a return, please follow these steps:

  1. Email Us: Send an email to return@ecogrillessentials.com with your order number, the item(s) you wish to return, and a brief reason for the return. For a quicker process, attach a photo or video of the item to demonstrate its condition.
  2. Return Approval: Once we receive your request, we will review the details and respond with approval confirmation and a return shipping label.
  3. Pack & Ship: Securely pack the item(s) in the original packaging, if possible. Attach the provided shipping label to the package and send it to the following address: EcoGrill Essentials Returns P.O. Box 2030 W. Baseline Rd. STE 182-145 Phoenix, AZ 85041
  4. Confirmation & Refund: After we receive the returned item(s), we will inspect them and process your refund. The refund will be credited to the original method of payment within 3-14 days (in some cases, it may take up to 20 days).

Return Steps Diagram:

📧 Email Us
📸 Attach Photo/Video
✅ Receive Confirmation
🗓️ Check 10-Day Eligibility
📦 Package Item
🚚 Ship to Address
💸 Pay for Shipping
📤 Email Shipping Details
💰 Await Your Refund

Please Note:

Tax Policy: Applicable sales tax will be charged on all orders based on the shipping address and the current tax rate.

We strive to ensure that all transactions are transparent and fair. If you have any questions or need further information regarding our refund, return, or tax policy, please contact us at support@ecogrillessentials.com.

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